
quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2020

World Quality Day 2020

The World Quality Day (WQD) 2020 is celebrated annually on the second Thursday in November. It intends to celebrate quality worldwide, share quality achievements and to raise awareness of quality around the world as quality is a contribute for the improvement of performance every day of the year. 

To celebrate the WQD 2020, the coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), Paulo Sampaio, leaves a message: “More than ever Quality is important to the world”.

sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2020

André M. Carvalho @ ASQ Quality 4.0 Summit

André M. Carvalho, Post-doc at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Research Affiliate of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), delivered a presentation entitled “Culture and Change: Setting the Foundations for Quality 4.0” at the ASQ Quality 4.0 Virtual Summit that took place as a virtual event last September 28-30.

terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2020

RG-QOE organized the 4th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Managament

The 4th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management – ICQEM took place last September 21-22 in a format fully online due to worldwide situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic. 

Paulo Sampaio, Coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), is the Conference Chair of this biannual event that intends to “present and discuss the progresses in the Quality Management, Quality Engineering and Organizational Excellence fields, providing a unique opportunity to share the latest insights of academic and industrial research and applications on Quality and Organizational Excellence.” 

The conference program was composed by keynote speakers presentations and several technical parallel sessions including different topics distributed by the two days of the event, such as six sigma, quality tools, quality management, operational and organizational excellence, quality and industry 4.0, or sustainability. 

The first day keynote speakers included António Cunha (Digital transformation for intelligent quality assurance), Maxim Protasov (What is the Russian National Quality System all about?) and Christianna Hayes (Achieving Personal Goals Through Quality). 

The second day keynote speakers included Jorge J. Román (Intellectual Property Crime and Business Excellence Framework. Dubai Police case study) and Benito Flores (Quality 4.0: More than Technology). 

Some members of RG-QOE also presented their work on September 22: 
- André M. Carvalho presented the “Technology and Quality Management: a review of concepts and opportunities in the Digital Transformation” (authors: André Carvalho, Paulo Sampaio, Eric Rebentisch and Josef Oehmen); 
- Cátia Pinto presented the “Innovation, Technology and Quality” (authors: Cátia Pinto and Paulo Sampaio); 
- Cátia Pinto presented the “The Relationship between Quality Management and Innovation” (authors: Cátia Pinto and Fernando Romero). 

Two conference awards were deliverd in the categories of best paper and best student paper: 
- Best paper was awarded to “Applying Lean Six Sigma Methodologies for Quality Improvement in a Powder Coatings Industry” by Fátima Carneiro, Diana Valdoleiros, Henriqueta Nóvoa and Mariana Rodrigues; 
- Best student paper was awarded to “Quality Management in Higher Education. Using SERVPERF to assess services quality” by “Ricardo Rodrigues, Maria João Rosa, Patrícia Moura Sá, and Gonçalo Santinha”. 

This event was a great opportunity of learning, knowledge sharing, and important contributions to this field of knowledge. 

What a success!

segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2020

Cátia Pinto @ First ASQ EMEA Students Café

Cátia Pinto, PhD student and member of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), delivered a presentation entitled “The relationship between Quality Management and Innovation” at the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region Student’s Café that took place virtually last September 12. 

This event was mainly directed to students in order to provide them an opportunity to share with the community the work students are doing in the EMEA region.

terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2020

Paulo Sampaio @ APQ and ASQ webinars

Paulo Sampaio, Coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence, delivered a webinar entitled “O líder da Qualidade 4.0” at the Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade, last July 14. 

The webinar was focused on the presentation of the Profile of the Quality Professional of the 21st Century and on the Future of Quality. 

Later, on August 01, Paulo Sampaio delivered the webinar entitled “The Profile of the Quality Leader of the 21st Century” at the American Society for Quality Europe, Middle-East and Africa Region. 

The webinar was focused on the skills dimensions of the Quality 4.0 Professional.

sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2020

Paula Silva Sá got her PhD

Paula Silva Sá, PhD student at the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence, got her PhD with a thesis entitled “A Gestão da Qualidade no Ensino Superior em Portugal” on last July, 10.

Congrats Paula!

(From left to right: Madalena Araújo (Examination Board Chair); Paulo Sampaio (Supervisor); Paula Silva Sá; Ricardo Machado (Internal Examiner); Photo kindly provided by University of Minho School of Engineering)

quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2020

QOE paper published @ TQM&BE

The paper “Towards a new model for SME self-assessment: a Brazilian empirical study” has been published in the Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.

This paper is co-authored by Paulo Sampaio, member of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence.

The full reference of the paper is:
Marcio Cardoso Machado , Eduardo Fernando Mendes , Renato Telles & Paulo Sampaio (2020) Towards a new model for SME self-assessment: a Brazilian empirical study, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31:9-10, 1041-1059, DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2018.1460195

quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2020

QOE paper published @ TQM&BE

The paper “Macroquality measurement: world state of quality and European quality scoreboard approaches and results” has been published in the Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.

This paper is co-authored by Paulo Sampaio and Catarina Cubo, both members of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence.

The full reference of the paper is:
Pedro Saraiva , Paulo Sampaio , Catarina Cubo & Marco Reis (2020) “Macroquality measurement: world state of quality and European quality scoreboard approaches and results”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31:9-10, 1060-1076, DOI:10.1080/14783363.2018.1461012.

segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2020

André M. Carvalho got his PhD

André M. Carvalho, PhD student at the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence, got his PhD with a thesis entitled “Operational Excellence, Culture and Agility: key concepts to manage Technical Industries” on last June, 8.

Congrats André!

(From left to right: Paulo Sampaio (supervisor); André M. Carvalho; Madalena Araújo (Examination Board Chair); Photo kindly provided by University of Minho School of Engineering)

quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2020

Paulo Sampaio @ VCK webinar

Paulo Sampaio, Coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence, delivered a webinar at the Vlaams Centrum voor Kwaliteit (VCK), Belgium, last May 28.

The webinar was focused on the presentation of the World State of Quality 2018 results. Paulo Sampaio also shared with the audience some insights about the Profile of the Quality Professional of the 21st Century and the Future of Quality.

quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2020

QOE papers published @ Quality Progress

Two papers authored by researchers of the Research Group on Quality Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE) have been published in Quality Progress (American Society for Quality), April 2020 issue, the most well known ASQ journal.

The paper entitled “Scanning for a Superior Skill Set” is co-authored by Pedro Domingues, Paulo Sampaio, Fábio Daniel Vieira Correia and İlknur Uzdurum. This paper presents a multidimensional approach to the future of the quality profession presenting the crucial dimensions of the 21st century quality professional.
The full reference is:
Pedro Domingues, Paulo Sampaio, Fábio Daniel Vieira Correia, Ilknur Uzdurum, (2020), “Scanning for a Superior Skill Set”, Quality Progress, April, 2020, 53(4), pp. 16-27.

The paper entitled “A feather in your cap: How Performance Excellence Models are doing 30 years later” is co-authored by André M. Carvalho and Paulo Sampaio. This paper presents a review on the evolution of Organizational Excellence over the past few decades, namely Excellence Models and Awards.
The full reference is:
André M. Carvalho, Paulo Sampaio (2020), “A feather in your cap: How Performance Excellence Models are doing 30 years later”, Quality Progress, April 2020, 53(4), pp. 42-49.

terça-feira, 31 de março de 2020

World State of Quality - 2018 results

The World State of Quality (WSQ) project aims to assess, analyze and rank the different countries performance in terms of Quality.

The 2018 WSQ edition is based on several indicators (16) that are grouped according to some of the most relevant Quality dimensions (in a total of 10) in order to get a final score to the 118 worldwide countries.

The WSQ represents a pioneering way to measure Quality in the different countries of the world. It can be an important input for several institutions to easy identify strengths and improvement areas for each country in terms of Quality.

The 2018 report is available at (Report).

Paulo Sampaio and Catarina Cubo, from the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), are members of the research team of this project.

sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2020

QOE @ Lean and Six Sigma ASQ Conference

Paulo Sampaio, Coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), attended the Lean and Six Sigma ASQ Conference that took place between February 23 and 25, in Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America.

This conference was focused on reaching organizational excellence through lean and six sigma application.

quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2020

QOE @ Product Excellence Model Training

Paulo Sampaio, Coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), delivered a training about the Product Excellence Model that took place between February 9 and 13, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

(Photo retrieved from Paulo Sampaio Linkedin page)

Paulo Sampaio, invited by Professor Mohamed Zairi and Dr. Ayedh Al-Amri, taught in the Product Excellence Model 2030 Saudi Vision / National Quality Strategy Riyadh, which intends to help Saudi companies to reach world-class level until 2030.

(Photo retrieved from Paulo Sampaio Linkedin page)

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2020

Paulo Cauchick-Miguel at RG-QOE as Visiting Professor

Paulo Cauchick-Miguel visited the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE) this last month. Paulo is Associate Professor at the Department of Production and Systems of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and develops his research in the quality management, research methodologies in engineering, product-service systems, and servitization fields of expertise.

During his visit, Paulo attended the QOE monthly meeting where several possibilities of cooperation between UMinho and UFSC were discussed.

Paulo had the opportunity to deliver a lecture on January 22 to the RG-QOE members entitled “Research methodology and publication: insights in the production engineering context”.

(From left to right: Paulo Sampaio, Mónica Cabecinhas, Paulo Cauchick-Miguel, Pedro Domingues, Catarina Cubo, and Nicky Campbell-Allen)

segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2020

QOE at 3rd IAQ Quality Forum & 13th Shanghai International Symposium on Quality

Paulo Sampaio, Coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence, attended the 3rd IAQ World Quality Forum & 13th Shanghai International Symposium on Quality with the theme “Boundaryless Quality World” that took place last December 5 and 6, in Shanghai, China.

Paulo Sampaio was guest speaker in a round table discussion about the “Future of the Quality Profession”.

[Photos retrieved from Photo gallery of the event]