
quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2019

Narayanan Ramanathan at University of Minho

Narayanan Ramanathan, founder member and former President of the Indian Society for Quality (ISQ), visited the School of Engineering of the University of Minho on October 22, 2019. Ram is an Academician at the International Academy for Quality (IAQ), serving on the Board. He is also the Chair of the Think Tank on Quality in Planet Earth Concerns.

During his visit, Narayanan had the opportunity to deliver an open lecture entitled “Applying the Power of Quality-based Management in the Service of Planet Earth”.

quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2019

RG-QOE @ 2019 MIT Portugal Annual Conference

Fábio Daniel Correia, Master student of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), attended the 2019 MIT Portugal Annual Conference that took place on September 30, in Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

Fábio Daniel Correia participated in the poster session with a poster entitled “Quality Assessment and Improvement Framework for Organizations in the Context of Digital Transformation: First Insights” by Fábio Daniel Correia, André M. Carvalho and Paulo Sampaio.