
quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2019

QOE @ NFKR Congress 2019

Paulo Sampaio, Coordinator of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence, attended the Norsk Forening for Kvalitet og Risikostyring (NFKR) Congress 2019 that took place on June 6 and 7 in Oslo, Norway.

Paulo Sampaio was invited by Norwegian Association for Quality and Risk Management to deliver a speech entitled “The Future of the Quality Profession”.

quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2019

Pedro Domingues @ Opole University of Technology, Poland

Pedro Domingues, PhD, Senior Researcher of the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE), was visiting the Opole University of Technology, Poland, between June 3 and 7, through the International Credit Mobility UMOVE (ME) program.

Pedro Domingues had the opportunity to share some insights and to deliver some classes for the Production Engineering Master Students. He addressed a lecture entitled ‘Digital Quality and Quality 4.0: First results from a World Wide Web based revision of literature’. During his stay, Pedro also met Aneta Kucińska-Landwójtowicz, visiting Scholar at RG-QOE last 2018 April.

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2019

Dalilis Escobar Rivera got her PhD

Dalilis Escobar Rivera, from the Universitat de Girona and Visiting Student at the Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE) – University of Minho during three months in 2018, got her PhD with a thesis entitled“Identifying factors for the customer delight in tourism industry. Model and measurement scale.”.

Congrats Dalilis!

quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2019

Presentations of PhD students in the 2019 DPISE workshop

The Doctoral Program in Industrial and Systems Engineering (DPISE) Workshop took place on May 15 and 16 in Guimarães, Campus of Azurém, University of Minho.

This annual event intends to share the work that is currently being developed by the PhD students of this doctoral program. May 15 students presented their individual projects and in May 16, a plenary talk titled “How to write a manuscript paper?” was presented by Prof. Luc Hens (Editor in Chief of Springer Journal “Environemnt, Development and Sustainability”).

The Research Group on Quality and Organizational Excellence (RG-QOE) was represented by Catarina Cubo, Mónica Cabecinhas and Nicky Campbell-Allen as PhD students.

Catarina Cubo presented “An integrated vision of quality measurements”.

Mónica Cabecinhas presented ” Model for measuring the impact of management systems implementation in the scope of ISO standards”.

Nicky Campbell-Allen presented “‘Hitting the Ground Running’ - Preparing Engineering Graduates to be ‘Work Ready’ Leaders”.