
quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2014

Anabela Martins, PhD Student from RGQE, @ ISO/TC 276

Anabela Martins, PhD Student of the Research Group on Quality and Excellence, was appointed by the Portuguese Institute for Quality (IPQ, to the ISO technical committee 276 (ISO/TC 276 - Biotechnology). 

Anabela will participate in this TC to develop the future standard for management systems and quality of biobanks (biorepositories that store human derivative materials) and bioresources (e.g., bacteria, fungi, algae, etc.). The work will be developed in line with the OECD Best Practice Guidelines for Biological Resource Centres (BRCs).  

Anabela Martins has a professionally-strong profile on the ISO standards (9001, 17025, among others) as a consultant. In addition, she is undertaking her PhD thesis in Chemical and Biological Engineering PhD Program under the supervision of Prof. Nelson Lima from CEB, and Prof. Paulo Sampaio from the Systems and Production Department, on the topic “Development of a framework for quality management in BRCs”.

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2014

Paulo Sampaio @ Tokyo, Japan

During the next week, Paulo Sampaio will be attending the International Conference on Quality, Tokyo, where he will deliver a speech etitled "Quality Management Principles and Practices Impact on the Companies’ Quality Performance".
Paulo Sampaio will also participate in the International Academy for Quality General Assembly @ Nagoya.

Paulo Sampaio @ Athens, Greece

Paulo Sampaio attended last week to the 1st ASQ European Country Counselor Summit!