
quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

Pedro Domingues, PhD Examination

December 20, 2013, 10AM
School of Engineering, University of Minho, Guimarães
PhD thesis entitled "Integrated Management Systems: a maturity model proposal"

PhD Examining Committee:
- Professor Marti Casadésus, Full Professor, University of Girona
- Professor Luís Fonseca, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering / Polytechnic of Porto
- Professor Rui Melo, Assistant Professor, University of Lisboa
- Professor Sérgio Sousa, Assistant Professor, University of Minho

- Professor Paulo Sampaio, Assistant Professor, University of Minho
- Professor Pedro Arezes, Full Professor, University of Minho


terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2013

Seminário ""Sistemas de Gestão Integrados: proposta de modelo para avaliação da maturidade

Seminário "Sistemas de Gestão Integrados: proposta de modelo para avaliação da maturidade"

Pedro Domingues, Quality and Excellence Research Group

5ª feira, 5 Dezembro, 20:30

UMinho, EEUM, Azurém, Sala EE0.08

sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Integrated management systems: a maturity model proposal

A successful management subsystems integration relies on several requirements fulfillment. The maturity achieved by an implemented integrated management system (IMS) relates to the compliance by an organization of several internal key process agents (KPAs), some external factors and the adoption of the eight excellence management pillars. Some of these KPAs are more influential for maturity assessment than others so, their adoption may be more fruitful concerning the maturity increase by an IMS. Some integration models proposed by European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and ISO 9004 standard have its genesis on quality and that fact may be advantageous but also presents some disadvantages. Additionally, results suggest that they are not considered a truly integration referential by the companies. 
Portuguese companies managed through an integrated system have some common features between them. Integrated policies, an IMS manager presence in the organizational structure and tools, methodologies and objectives alignment are some of these common features.
As been told earlier, the proposed model is sustained on two components supported in software concepts (Figure 1). A back-office component processes the information collected from the front-office component. To populate the front-office component companies should assess the KPAs according an agreement Likert scale.

Figure 1: Conceptual model design
Front-office component has a three dimensional nature as one may see in Figure 3. One dimension relates to the KPAs assessment, other to the eight excellence management pillars and the final to the external factors assessment (macroergonomics, life cycle analysis, social accountability and sustainability) (Figure 2).
 Figure 2: Front office component
A simple linear regression model was tested in order to assess data quality and coherence provided by respondents. A multiple linear regression model was adopted in order to identify which variables (central variables) were statistically influencing the latent variable. Pearson correlation was assessed between statistical non-influential variables and the central variables. Three variables variation (Q/St10, Q/St23 and Q/St24) are statistically responsible for 54% of Q/St25 variation. Top management integrated vision (Q/St10), organizational integration level classification (Q/St23) and audit typology (Q/St24) explains mostly the Q/St25 (Integration level characterization) variation. The other variables are related to these central variables and the Pearson correlation index is presented (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Back office component
Pedro Domingues
PhD Student
Quality and Excellence Research Group
University of Minho

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

Seminário "Integração de sistemas de gestão - qualidade, ambiente e segurança"

Seminário "Integração de sistemas de gestão - qualidade, ambiente e segurança"

Isabel Silva, Quality for Excellence

5ª feira, 28 Novembro, 20:30

UMinho, EEUM, Azurém, Sala EE0.08

Paulo Sampaio @ Istambul, Turkey

Paulo Sampaio is attending the European Organization for Quality General Assembly.

quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2013

World Quality Day - November 14, 2013

Dear Worldwide Quality Professionals,
Tomorrow we celebrate the World Quality Day! I wish you a great day with a lot of QUALITY!

In November 14-15 it will take place the Portuguese Quality Congress, Lisbon. More information in
Additionally, please visit the ASQ World Quality Month website in
Paulo Sampaio


segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013

The importance of integration of SCM and QM

First time I heard about Supply Chain Management (SCM) I didn’t have the notion of what it was.

When I start to search about, I realized that it has a lot in common with quality management (QM), and so, for companies, it will be really important, in these times of crises, to take advantages of their integration.

There are a lot of different definitions for Supply Chain Management (SCM). One of them says that is an integrated philosophy to manage the total flow from the supply of raw materials to the end customer (Tyndall et al., 1998; Ellram and Cooper 1990; Houlihan 1988).

But SCM can also be seen as a cycle composed by marketing; product design, suppliers, manufacturing, logistics and reverse logistics.

Marketing can predict the level of demand, by conducting research which helps to identify potential markets and forecast projected sales.

Product design concerns the specification and materials required for an efficient and cost effective production.

The suppliers are chosen considering different points, and they provide the raw materials and components that will be used to create the finish products.

When raw materials are available is time to manufacturing! Production lines are developed in order to transform the raw materials and the components in to a finish good that can be sold to the customers. For that the logistics have to spring into action.

Logistics regards a set of activities as planning, coordination and execution required for distribution to the customers. Depending on the product the customer can be a whole sealer, a retailer or a common consumer.

Finally, the reverse logistics concerns all the products that due to returns, reparation or recycling must flow back to the supply chain. With this step we also get some information that can be used to make some improvements on the products which bring us back to the marketing step!

SCM integrates all parties along the value chain into one whole organism and manages them as the assets of a wide company (Simchi-Levi et al., 2000, Mentzer et al., 2001; Kannan and Tan, 2005; Wang et al., 2004).

Improving the quality of all supply chain processes leads to cost reductions, improved resource utilization, and improved process eciency (Wang et al., 2004).

In order to study the integration of QM and SCM, a conceptual model has been develop and will be validated using a structural equation model after a survey questionnaire be prepared and answered by specialists in these areas from Portuguese companies. Subsequently a model of integrated performance evaluation will be developed and validated through case studies of some companies. This process of evaluating individual performance of organizations is very important so that they can optimize results and subsequently the performance of the entire chain.

With all this work I hope that in the end we can be able to help companies to continuously improve in all their activities.

Ellram, L. M. and Cooper, M. C., Supply Chain Management, Partnerships, and the Shipper – Third Party Relationship, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1-10, 1990.
Houlihan, J. B., International Supply Chains: A New Approach, Management Decision, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 13-19, 1988.
Kannan, V.R., Tan, K.C., Just in Time, Total quality management, and supply chain management: understanding their linkages and impact on business performance, Omega, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 153-162, 2005.
Mentzer, J.T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J.S.., Min, S., Nix, N.W., Smith, C.D. and Zacharia, Z.G., Defining Supply Chain Management, Journal of Business Logistics, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1-25, 2001.
Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P. and Simchi-Levi, E., Designing and Managing the Supply Chain—Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 2000.
Tyndall, G., Christopher, G., Wolfgang P. and John, K., Supercharging Supply Chains: New Ways to Increase Value through Global Operational Excellence, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1998.
Wang, F., Du, T.C. and Li, E.Y, Applying Six-Sigma to supplier development, Total quality Management, vol. 15, no. 9-10, pp. 1217-1229, 2004.


Cristina Fernandes
Postdoc Researcher
Quality and Excellence Research Group
University of Minho


terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2013

Paulo Sampaio @ Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Paulo had been at Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, attending to the National Meeting of Production Engineering where he delivered a keynote speech entitled “Quality: a driver for organizational sustainability”.

Paulo also taught a "Quality Tools" mini-program to Industrial Engineering graduation and master students.


terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013

SPQ Expo, 26-27 Setembro de 2013, Exponor

O SPQ EXPO – Fórum e Exposição de Normalização, Metrologia e Qualificação nasce das vontades da Associação Empresarial de Portugal (AEP), do Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ) e da Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade (APQ) em corporizar uma realização que, na Feira Internacional do Porto, condensará o saber e o saber fazer nacional nas áreas da metrologia, da normalização e da qualificação, bem como da inovação e avaliação da conformidade.

Mais informação em

sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

Paulo Sampaio @ MIT

Paulo Sampaio is currently at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as Visiting Scholar in order to identify Faculty to develop research together in the quality management and quality engineering area.

quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2013

ASQ Influential Voices - April. Global Quality Awards

A business excellence model should not be seen as a tool or methodology that organizations use to solve the several daily problems they are faced with. An organization competitive advantage depends on the individual performance of each worker and on the organizational infrastructure that supports the company. Thus, that competitive advantage can gain a lot through the use of a business excellence model. Excellence models provide personal improvement opportunities in leadership, a structured holistic approach to organization improvement, benchmarking opportunities and access to demonstrate best practices. The models assessment process is a unique training experience for managers to align assessors’ teams or to align large and small companies on well clarified shared objectives.
We have seen that in different parts of the world different types of organizations have been using several Business Excellence Models, and are also recognized by the corresponding awards connected with them.
Based on the research that my research group is doing, one easily comes up with a recommendation in the direction of possible convergence in the future into a single consensual Excellence Model, to be developed and applied all over the world, since all models do share a common set of values, principles and criteria. That would also lead, on the side of recognition, to the possibility of having in the end a World Quality Award (WQA), where organizations coming from different continents, and after having been recognized at the local, regional, national, and/or international level, might share experiences and apply for such an award, possibly also connected with the joint organization of an annual strong quality world event, where the corresponding awards would be presented and announced.

quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013

2 FEV: sessão apresentação projectos

Caros Investigadores,

Como infelizmente em 2012 não tive hipótese de organizar a já tradicional “Sessão de apresentação dos projectos”, estou a planear realizar a edição 2012/13 a 2 de Fevereiro – Sábado, de forma a todos poderem participar. Este ano com a novidade (melhoria contínua) de convidar também todos os colegas que trabalharam comigo a nível de projectos de investigação, mas que entretanto foram terminando os mesmos – não para apresentar, mas para discutirem ideias e colocarem questões J.

O objectivo destes encontros é vocês apresentarem uns aos outros o que andam a fazer, o que querem fazer e como o vão fazer. Nesta sessão não se pretende que se foquem a apresentar resultados, mas sim no enquadramento/objectivos da investigação e na componente metodológica do vosso projecto. Além deste objectivo principal, existe um outro secundário que é o de vos ajudar a preparar e a fazer apresentações em público. Este tipo de sessão é muito útil pois permite a partilha de conhecimentos e ideias entre os diversos projectos.

As apresentações serão de 5 minutos seguidas de outros 5 minutos para Q&A (10 minutos de duração máxima).

Não precisam de me enviar a vossa apresentação previamente, levem-na no próprio dia.

Como é tradição, depois da sessão de trabalho, o almoço!

O encontro vai decorrer na UMinho no Campus de Gualtar em Braga.

A presença é "obrigatória". No entanto, preciso que me confirmem a mesma até dia 29 de Janeiro.

Paulo Sampaio

IV Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade | Apelo à submissão de resumos

IV Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade | Apelo à submissão de resumos

No dia 7 de Junho de 2013 decorrerá, em Tróia, o IV Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade.

Os resumos deverão ser submetidos até dia 31 de Março de 2013 para , não devendo ultrapassar as 500 palavras. Do resumo devem também constar o título do trabalho, o nome dos autores e respectiva afiliação, e as palavras-chave.

Os autores das comunicações aceites serão posteriormente convidados a submeter o artigo completo para ser publicado nos proceedings do Encontro. Posteriormente serão disponibilizadas as linhas de orientação para a redacção dos artigos completos.

- Submissão de resumos: 31 de Março de 2013
- Notificação da aceitação de resumos: 30 de Abril de 2013
- Para os resumos aceites, submissão do artigo completo: 20 de Maio de 2013
- IV Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade: 7 de Junho de 2013

Comissão Organizadora do IV Encontro
Álvaro Rosa, ISCTE
António Ramos Pires, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Luís Lourenço, Universidade da Beira Interior
Margarida Saraiva, Universidade de Évora
Patrícia Moura e Sá, Universidade de Coimbra
Paulo Sampaio, Universidade do Minho

IV Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade, 7 JUN

Caros Investigadores da Qualidade,

Enquadrado nas actividades da Rede de Investigadores da Qualidade (RIQUA), vai ter lugar no dia 7 de Junho de 2013, em Tróia, o IV Encontro dos Investigadores da Qualidade.

Pedimos a vossa colaboração na divulgação do evento pela vossa rede de contactos. Contamos convosco!

Oportunamente serão divulgadas mais informações, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à submissão de resumos e programa.

Saudações académicas,

Paulo Sampaio
Presidente da Comissão Instaladora
Rede de Investigadores da Qualidade

Comissão Organizadora do IV Encontro
Álvaro Rosa, ISCTE
António Ramos Pires, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Luís Lourenço, Universidade da Beira Interior
Margarida Saraiva, Universidade de Évora
Patrícia Moura e Sá, Universidade de Coimbra
Paulo Sampaio, Universidade do Minho